Every time I go on YouTube and look up a video or something, there’s always this one person who will personally post hateful shit just to start a fucking argument and to get people mad and I’m so done with it. I get that everybody has an opinion and that they have a right to voice their thoughts and all, but there comes a time when something like that isn’t necessary. I know that not everybody likes or even agrees with the music that I listen to but when I go onto YouTube to look up a video or something, I don’t want to see everybody arguing and insulting the other in the comments. Honestly if those people who start that kind of crap to get a rise out of another person doesn’t like that music or song or whatever, then don’t fucking go on that page. YouTube doesn’t have a sign up telling you to view a certain page, so there’s really no fucking purpose for you to be doing messed up shit like that and I’m done seeing those things. I’m at the point now where I rarely ever even go to YouTube because I’m so fed up with seeing immature crap like that. I used to love going on YouTube and watching videos and seeing what everybody had to say about them, but now, I try to avoid those things as much as possible.


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